Mechanized & Manual Plasma Cutting

Mechanized and manual plasma cutting is used when it is important to make precise cuts with simple and compact machines. In the cutting range, up to 50 mm it is possible to produce straight cuts as well as profile, contour, hole and bevel cuts manually. Plasma gouging is also one of the applications.

CUTI Series

The mobile and light inverters of the CUTi series are suitable for manual cutting in the range between 0.5 and 50 mm. By using air as plasma gas, it is possible to cut mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper and other electrically conductive materials. Equipped with air-cooled torches the units can also be used for bevel cutting and plasma gouging with diverse accessories.

Some Features of our CUTI Series:

  • Models: CUTI 35 – 70 – 90 – 120
  • Recommended up to 40 mm
  • Plasma Gas: Air
  • Torch Kjellcut 120
  • Ergonomic Torch which makes it flexible for operation.


The CutFire 100i is a powerful air plasma system with low investment costs and a wide range of possible uses. It has adapted inverter technology and is one of the few air-cooled systems on the market with a duty cycle of 100 percent. The CutFire 100i cutting inverters are equipped with the Flash 101 plasma torch, which uses air as the fluidizing gas. The air rotating around the plasma jet stabilizes it and allows you to pierce up to a maximum of 20 mm. The cooling and protective effect of the whirling gas results in higher cutting speeds and improved consumable life.

Some Features of our CutFire Series:

  • Cutting Current 100 Amp
  • Piercing up to 20 mm and start Edge from 1 to 38mm
  • Plasma Gas: Air
  • Marking on 15 Amp
  • We offer this model on our CNC machines