Manufacturers of dished heads for tanks and pressure vessels require machines able to ensure high performance and high productivity. Faccin offers dished head production lines that include technologically advanced dishing presses with an automatic manipulator, flanging machines and manipulators, designed to offer maximum reliability and to meet the needs of manufacturers of dished heads in terms of achieving tolerances and lamination reduction.
Dished Head Lines

Hydraulic Presses for Dished Ends (PPM+MA)
Faccin offers a range of PPM hydraulic presses with an exclusive design with rods. These double column presses feature the exclusive HPT system that minimizes deformation of the frame and thus assures forming accuracy and high reliability. To accurately position the plates under the dished head press dies in the PPM series, Faccin offers the automatic manipulators in the MA range. These handling systems allow you to process several plates at the same time, reducing production time and assuring high quality. Faccin manufactures presses from 150 tons of force up to more than 3,000 tons, covering all the needs of the market.
Flanging Machine (BF)
The flanging machines of Faccin’s BF series are dished head machines capable of guaranteeing high productivity, assuring maximum quality of the final product with cost optimization. BF flanging machines are built with C-shaped electro-welded structures and equipped with forming and flanging rolls in forged alloy steel: this guarantees the maximum machine reliability and long service life. Faccin’s BF range of flanging machines are available for dished heads with or without central hole and for thickness up to 45 mm.

Hydroforming press (PPH)
The hydroforming machines of Faccin’s PPH series offer high productivity and maximum reliability in forming plates up to 8 mm thick. These machines for dished heads are widely used in the production of truck tanks as they allow for hydroforming dished heads in various shapes including oval and polycentric. Thanks to numerical control included in the supply, Faccin’s PPH water presses assure complete automation of the production process; the optional loading/unloading systems, however, allow production time to be reduced without sacrificing the high quality of the finished product.